Foods That Cause Bloating

Bloating is that nasty swollen, poochy feeling you can get when you eat too fast, eat too much or if you eat food which is high in fiber that can base gas to raise up in your digestive area.

Foods that cause gas can cause bloating. They aren’t certainly bad for you – in fact, many of them are healthy high-fiber foods that belong in a healthy diet. There are some things you can do to help lessen the soreness. …

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10 Benefits of Rowing for Weight Loss

The most effective way of losing weight is through regular exercise, a balanced diet and in some instances using weight loss diet pills. While following a balanced diet and using weight loss diet pills is much easier for most people, getting the right exercises to aid the weight loss process is often much harder. This is because you need a combination of the right equipment and techniques to lose as much weight as possible through exercises.

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Nutritional Needs For Men As They Age

The things that you can do in your 20s are not the same as the things you can accomplish in your 50s or even 70s. The same logic applies as to the food you put on your plate. As you age, your body is continuously changing over time and your diet plays a vital role in decreasing or increasing your risk of severe health problems.

Fortunately, preventing killer diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes is possible by building …

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Top Weight Loss Machines For Losing Weight At Home

Weight loss is the goal of most people hitting the gym six days a week. Cardio training is essential for weight loss whether you work out the exercises at home or gym. Home gyms are gaining popularity as every person does not find time to visit the gym regularly.

There are multiple machines available in the markets; however, all of them are not useful for losing weight. If you are looking to buy some home gym machines, you need to …

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Why Ignoring Adult Circumcision Could Cost You Your Health

Whenever the topic of circumcision comes up, a debate is sure to arise. In the medical community, many people debate over it, and they discuss all its possible pros and cons. Yes, you can say, it is a controversial topic, but what’s the reason and why is this so? The thing is part of the reason may be because people are not aware of why this surgery is actually a better choice, especially in terms of health.

In America, the …

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CBD Healing: 6 Health Benefits

Cannabidiol, better known as CBD is a product that’s derived from cannabis. There’s growing awareness about the possible use of CBD as a natural remedy used for many common ailments. Studies have been approved to investigate CBD’s medical applications. CBD oil has been medically proven to have the same level of relief without any nasty side effects that can come with mainstream treatments. Gradually cannabis is getting accepted worldwide and different states and countries are implementing medicinal and recreational policies …

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5 Tips For Using Your Exercise Bike

Between a stationary bike and a treadmill, more people tend to gravitate toward the former as a form of cardiovascular exercise. A stationary bike is preferred by those who are used to high-intensity workouts. However, in a lot of gyms, you will probably notice that the treadmills are the ones that are taken up, while not many people use the stationary bikes.  This is unfortunate because a stationary bike is less strenuous to one’s knees than the treadmill. Running for …

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AMP Receives 2014 Gates Vaccine Innovation Award

Epivac Website Header

At the Paris Appeal “to advance women’s and children’s health worldwide”, Melinda Gates personally handed over the 2014 Gates Vaccine Innovation Award to AMP for EPIVAC®, an innovative on-the-job training program for district medical officers in Africa.

EPIVAC’s mission is to substantially improve immunization systems, especially at district level, by strengthening the technical and managerial skills of participants from 11 French-speaking countries in Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, and Togo.

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