5 Tips For Using Your Exercise Bike

Between a stationary bike and a treadmill, more people tend to gravitate toward the former as a form of cardiovascular exercise. A stationary bike is preferred by those who are used to high-intensity workouts. However, in a lot of gyms, you will probably notice that the treadmills are the ones that are taken up, while not many people use the stationary bikes.  This is unfortunate because a stationary bike is less strenuous to one’s knees than the treadmill. Running for long periods may cause little but gradual damage to both knees, especially for those who already have recurring knee problems.

To make the most out of your use of the stationary exercise bike, we will take a look at the little adjustments that can help you get the most out of your exercise biking routine.

1. Practice Proper Posture 

Being on a bike, whether the stationary one in the gym or the actual ones that are used on the road, is not exactly the most comfortable position to be in, especially for prolonged periods. This normally happens either because the seat is not adjusted properly, or the individual is at a more awkward position or angle on the bike.

Picture of a Woman on an Exercise Bike

Make the necessary seat adjustments if needed, until you get to the most comfortable spot. Your knees must also be at an optimum angle, particularly up to ten degrees if the pedal is at the bottom. This not only helps avoid joint injuries brought on by straining, but it is also more comfortable for the back. 

2. Utilize the Proper Training Mode 

Another way to make the most out of your stationary bike workout is to utilize the training mode that would suit you best. As the old saying goes, “different strokes for different folks”, and there are various forms of workouts that are more preferred by specific kinds of people.

Picture of Some Exercise Bike Tips

If done right, the High-Intensity Interval Training mode or the Tabata Program can work wonders for you. With the only difference being that the former is a few minutes longer with a total of 16 minutes, both programs offer workout routines that will definitely push and challenge you, giving you an exercise bike routine that will not disappoint you.

3. Do Interval Training 

For some people, riding on a stationary bike can be boring, dull and tedious. The act of pedaling at high speeds for half an hour is a task that not many are fond of, and quite understandably.

Picture of a Group of People on Exercise Bikes

This is where you can mix things up with interval training. Jump from one intensity level to another as you go through your routine, going from intense and light pedaling. Challenge yourself and not be stuck in a rut of the same pace and speed for the entire duration. 

4. Warm Up and Cool Down Properly

Like any other exercise, it is imperative to properly do the warm up and cool down routines before and after the workout. Doing so will help you avoid any injuries and not break your body down too much, allowing you to do the same exercise with more efficiency and fluidity.

For warming up, you must stretch out the muscles that will be working the most, such as the calves, abductors muscles, and quadriceps. And once the exercise is done, you must lower the intensity of your cycling to almost a gentle level and continue on for five minutes more before stopping completely. After which, do the same stretches as you did for the warm-ups for another five minutes.

5. Nourish Yourself

Picture of a Woman Holding Healthy Food and Exercising

One of the things that many people tend to take for granted, especially for working out, is proper nutrition. Not everybody can afford to eat healthily, but those who can are likely misinformed about what they should be taking into their bodies in order to maximize their capabilities.

It goes without saying that you will need energy for the workout, so a good amount of servings of carbohydrates should do the trick, and you can get the right amount from old reliable sources such as rice, pasta or bread. And after you’re done with the workout, it would be best to have a lot of protein for quicker recovery. This can be found in food such as eggs, yogurt, or your favorite protein powder.

If used right, the stationary exercise bike is actually an effective piece of equipment that gives less strain on your knees. Take advantage of it whenever you are in the gym, or if you can, get one for yourself for home workouts.