6 Common Causes of Hair Loss in Men

Hair loss is a scary topic for men, both young and old. Statistics show that about 40% of men in their thirties, and 90% of men above age 50, are susceptible to hereditary hair loss. Interestingly, baldness can happen as early as puberty. Also known as androgenetic alopecia, over 50 million American men experience male pattern baldness. The biggest culprit remains genes and genetics, although medications, diets, and hormones tend to have similar effects. 

Here are the 6 top causes of hair loss in men.

#1. Genetics

The most significant driving force for male pattern baldness is family history. So, if other men in a family experienced hair loss, it’s likely that others in the bloodline will experience it too. 

#2. Hormones

An imbalance in testosterone can lead to male pattern baldness. This is due to the conversion of testosterone to DHT by the genetically-disposed cells present in the scalp of men. DHT, when present, causes shrinking of follicles and subsequently putting a halt to hair growth. In the case of women, the hormonal changes that come with menopause have similar effects. However, abnormal thyroid behavior is another culprit of hair loss in men. 

#3. Medical Conditions

Blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, enlarged prostrates, and heart diseases are some of the medical conditions that cause pattern baldness in men. 

#4. Stressful situations

If your system experiences a huge emotional or physical stress like the sudden death of a loved one or advance surgery, it could result in hair thinning. 

#5. Scalp disorders

Scalp conditions such as folliculitis, fungal infection, and ringworm are known to cause hair thinning. The same happens when the scalp suffers from psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. 

Although the list stops here, scientists have also identified poor diet and smoking as POSSIBLE culprits of hair loss. Sudden loss of large clumps of hair is not uncommon, and it is caused by serious medical conditions, shocks – emotional or physical – and stress. If you experience any of these, consult your doctor to identify the real cause.

#6. Medications

Some drugs are known to cause hair loss, especially medications that treat cancer, depression, heart problems, depression, and arthritis, among others. Note that cancer treatments may cause hair loss. However, such hair usually returns. Your physician will be in the best position to enlighten you on medication regiments and effects. 

How do you know if you are balding? 

Male pattern baldness tends to start from the front of the scalp. Once it starts, you will notice the gradual decline of hair at the temples, creating an “M” shape. The hair may become thinner with a horseshoe pattern forming around the sides of the head, signaling advanced male pattern baldness.

While you lose strands on hair normally, the shedding is more pronounced in cases of aggressive male pattern balding. If you end up losing several hair shreds either after a night rest or when combing, then you may be dealing with male pattern baldness. If you’re suffering from hair loss, you may consider scheduling a hair transplant. This is one of the most common medical procedures among men who want to restore their full head of hair.