5 Helpful Apps to Track Your Strength Increases

Are you thinking of adding some muscle? Or do you find your fitness apps too casual for your serious workout routine?

Well, there are so many workout apps and muscle training apps out there that it can be hard to decide on the best one to use. But no need to worry, we have compiled a list of 5 amazing apps to help you track your workout routine and progress.

1. eGym

Don’t be that guy who runs around the gym with their training plan on pieces of paper, trying to scribble down every workout detail for tracking and evaluation. eGym is the app you need to track, evaluate and measure your workout progress.

How is eGym different from your other conventional, manual data entry apps?   

eGym Fitness App transforms your phone into a personal trainer, helping you generate your optimal training plan, keep you motivated and coach you till you succeed. The app is designed to help beginners, persons living with disability and athletes of all levels, to achieve their training goals, improve endurance, weight loss and build muscle.

eGym is available for both Apple and Android users.

2. Mpower

Designed to help you measure your workout progress, Mpower helps you track muscle training responses directly from your mobile phone. With the app, you can monitor training response in real-time, see whether a target muscle is getting activated and also see the movement produced with other muscles when working out.

How does it work?

Mpower works with a pod attached to your skin. The pod produces electrical signals and useful information on how your muscles are responding to your workout techniques.  With the signals, the app calculates data relayed and describes your muscle training response. You will know which muscle each workout technique is focusing on and the response from the muscle.

Mpower is available for both Android and Apple users.

3. Strong

Powerful and simple, Strong provides you with the best and easiest way to keep track of your workout routine. This app has all the features you need to track your progress, measure your body weight, fat percentage, and any other workout goals. 

With strong, you will discover hundreds of new exercises with step by step instructions. You also get a chance to create your own exercise and workout templates for workout routines that you may want to perform again.

The Strong fitness app is available on both AppStore and PlayStore.

4. Jefit

The fact that this award-winning app works even when offline is amazing. Jefit gives you a chance to measure and track your fitness program and gains in a simple and efficient way.

With Jefit you can create your personal workout routine, train and track your workout with your training logs, and analyze your workout data to maximize your results.

Jefit is available for both Android and Apple users.

5. Bodyspace

With Bodyspace you don’t have to worry about staying motivated all month long. The app incorporates a ‘BodyCalender’ and daily reminders to help you develop a consistent workout schedule. You also receive videos, tips and other fitness resources for use on your workout.

In addition to this, you get a chance to interact with a massive online fitness community.

Bodyspace is available for download on both Android and IOS mobile platforms.

Exercise. Rest. Repeat.

Worry no more about planning your workout routines and measuring your daily gain. These amazing apps are all that you need to track your workout progress and getting your dream shape.