Is Cupping Therapy Painful?

Is cupping painful? Have you ever tried it before? Many people who intend to give it a try fear that it may be painful. This because they may have experience with other forms of treatment. And by the way, many treatments involve some form of pain. Can you remember a form of treatment you undertook that is pain-free? I there are some, but perhaps those ones that are not physical. Again, even the ones not physical are often painful. A treatment induce changes in the body and that is why in many cases the pain is involved. Is it the same with cupping? The idea of using cups in the body of the individual makes the entire treat scary. However, you do not need to fear. To respond to that question, we first need a clear understanding of cupping. This blog will critically analyze the cupping therapy and in the end, the response as to whether it is painful will come out clear. Let us begin…

What Does Cupping Treatment Involve?

With Chinese origin, cupping has been in existence for thousands of years. This one of the earliest forms of treatments that is still relevant today. The therapy involves placing cups on the victim’s skin to develop a vacuum that pulls the skin along with muscles inwards. It is an aspect of massage often combined with acupuncture to relax the muscles, ease the pain, and lower stress levels.

Generally, the affected tissue is drawn into the cup and left that way for a while. The main reason for cupping is to facilitate the flow of blood, pain reliever, to get rid of heat, and to eliminate the toxins within the body tissues. There is always a tight sensation in the part where the cup is applied, though in most cases it is not only relaxing but also soothing. Dictated by your comfort and therapist assessment, the cup may be left at the same place or moved to other parts. In addition, they may be left in the areas over a short period of time or longer depending on your condition. Important to note, each therapy is unique and meant for you only on that specific day. The most common place where the cup is applied to the back of the person, though works quite well in other parts.

Expect the skin to turn red or blue in the cupped area. However, this not like a permanent tattoo. It takes a few day or weeks for the bruises to vanish. Even though the bruises are left on the skin, they are never painful. Once the bruises have disappeared, the treatment can be done again until the ailment is completely done away with.

Types of Cupping Therapy

There are different types of cupping. As the treatment continues to evolve, we expect even more. The following are the basic types:

  • Fixed cupping. This type of cupping therapy works just as the name suggests. The cups are out in the affected parts and left there. They are not shifted.
  • Moving cupping. The name gives the meaning as well. In this therapy, the massage oil is applied in the affected area and the cups placed them allowed to slide around the affected area, in most cases the back. The sliding is quite easier because the body is lubricated
  • Dry cupping. In this type of cupping therapy, a specially developed pump attached to the cup is used to create suction.
  • Wet cupping. This one works a little bit similar to acupuncture. Once the cup is removed, a small incision is created on the skin, the cup is applied once again to draw little blood. A special cream, usually an antibiotic, is applied to deter infection. It is believed that this strategy helps in detoxification and facilitates natural healing.

The Side Effects

I think the time is ripe to address the question raised at the outset: is cupping painful? I believe to this end you have an answer to that. But let us square out the issue. Cupping is not painful. However, the suction created during the therapy may result in little pain. Besides, you may also experience some pain within the incision sites right after the therapy. It, however, takes a very short time for the situation to normalize. You should not fear unless you have sensitive skin. There are more side effects though. As a form of massage, it is important that you work with Professional Therapists to lessen the side effects.

One of the main side effects of cupping is the circular bruises left on your skin. However, these bruises are temporary and will take a few days to vanish. Also, it is common to feel a little bit stiff and tender in the affected areas, though this can only take a maximum of two days. To lessen the tenderness in the bruises, Arnica gel has been proved effective. This is a natural painkiller that often shortens the recovery period after cupping. Moreover, you may also feel a little bit lightheaded or faint in the course of the treatment.

After the treatment, infection is always a possibility. However, the risks can easily be eliminated if the therapist follows the appropriate guidelines. This may involve cleaning of the skin and putting in place some measures to prevent the infections prior to the therapy and once it is completed. Evidently, cupping does not have a lot of side effects. The experienced side effects often occur in the course of the therapy or right after it.


Is cupping painful? In light of the above, cupping therapy involves very little pain which takes the very short term to vanish. The main side effect of the therapy is leaving the bruises on the places where the cups were placed. Even so, these bruises often disappear within a few days of weeks.  If you intend to give cupping therapy a try, we recommend that you inform your doctor and discuss this decision together. Seek cupping professionals such as My Home Therapy. Do not neglect the normal treatments that address your current condition. Your doctor will help you make an informed decision.