How to Lose Weight Fast: 3 Simple Steps, Based on Science

There are numerous diets, meal replacement plans, and supplements now available to people who want to lose weight. But with so many options to choose from, it’s understandable why people are confused as to what’s the right path to take. Plus, many of these diets or supplements lack scientific evidence to back up their claims. Luckily, there are steps you can take that are not only effective but also based on science.

3 Simple Steps for Losing Weight Scientifically

1. Reduce Carbohydrate Intake

One of the first steps you can take to lose weight fast is to lessen carbohydrate intake. Your hunger levels will go down once you cut down on your sugars and starches and you’ll end up eating fewer calories. Your body will then start to feed off stored fats since it’s no longer burning carbohydrates. Your insulin levels will also go down once you cut off carbs. This results in the kidneys shedding excess water and sodium from the body, thus reducing bloat and unwanted water weight. People who have cut down on carbs lose as much as 10 pounds or more in just a week.

A carb blocker supplement can also be beneficial. These supplements prevent enzymes from digesting complex carbohydrates. The carbs then pass through the large intestine without being absorbed so they don’t raise blood sugar or add to calories. However, carb blockers are typically made of compounds extracted from white kidney beans, so it’s best if you know how you’ll react to kidney beans benefits and side effects before considering this supplement.

Picture of Low Carb Lean Meats

2. Eat More Lean Meats

The type of protein you eat is also critical if you plan on losing weight. It is because the body consumes more energy when digesting protein versus fats and carbohydrates. Unfortunately, the protein we love is usually wrapped with naturally-occurring fats that boost the calories in each serving. You have to switch lean meats if you want to continue enjoying your protein while dropping unwanted pounds.

Here are some lean proteins you should consider incorporating into your diet:

  • Chicken or turkey: White meat is the leanest option, although you can still make things healthy with dark meat if you take the skin off. Both these fowls can provide you with around 25 grams of protein, as well as selenium and B vitamins.
  • Beans and Lentils: Aside from supplying you with about 9 grams of protein per half a cup, beans and lentils are also full of fiber, folate, and energy-boosting iron.
  • Fish and shellfish: It’s a sad fact that the majority of Americans don’t eat enough fish. You should aim to eat at least 3.5 ounces of fish and shellfish every week.
  • Low-fat or nonfat dairy: Milk, Greek yogurt, ricotta cheese, and cottage cheese are excellent sources of lean protein. You can make a healthy smoothie with yogurt and the fruits in season or top your toast with ricotta for a yummy and heart-healthy breakfast.
  • Soy: This is one of the top sources of vegetarian protein. A cup of edamame can provide you with 17 grams of protein, and half a cup of tofu gives you 8-10 grams. You’ll also get 8 grams of fiber with the former and a hefty dose of calcium with the latter.
  • Nuts and seeds: If you’re not allergic to them, try to include nuts and seeds in your diet. Scientists have found them to be great foods for losing weight. 

Picture of Lean Beef

3. Exercise, But Don’t Go Overboard

Exercise has been scientifically proven time and again to be essential to losing weight. Doctors recommend going to the gym three to four times a week. Unfortunately, what a lot of people have trouble understanding is that you won’t lose weight immediately. It will take weeks or months to see the effects of exercise on your metabolism and weight. But because of the seemingly slow results, some people exercise obsessively in their quest to reach their desired weight.

The truth is exercise could initially lead you to gain a pound or two. For instance, you could gain several pounds if you do weight training because of the muscles you’re developing. But this doesn’t mean you will never lose weight.

It’s best to manage expectations to ensure success and understand that exercise is not a magic bullet. You should exercise because it makes you feel good and it helps your heart, your mental health, and your energy levels. But do it in moderation.

Are You Ready to Take That Step?

There are ways to lose weight that are effective and based on science. Studies have repeatedly shown that cutting down on carbohydrate intake can jumpstart weight loss. There are also supplements that you can use, just make sure you understand carb blocker side effects. But before you take any of these steps, make sure you talk to your doctor first.

Author Bio: Aaron Hartzer – Supplement Researcher and Reviewer (Nootriment Co)

I am a researcher and writer who has studied zillions of supplements. I have undergone many types of research so that I can come with valuable insights for supplement users. Enjoy reading!!